The mission of the Children Ministry is to expound the truths of God's Word to our children and to their parents.
The purpose of the Christian Women's Council is to direct and guide all females in the procedures and doctrinal teachings of the Church of God in Christ.
The Missionary Board assist the pastor in nurturing spiritual growth in the church through the ministry of help in varied capacities.
The Marriage Ministry exists to aid couples in their marriage to become more and more purpose-driven -- to focus on the needs of others in balancing the purposes of worship, fellowship, discipleship, service, and missions.
The mission of the Prayer & Bible Band is to teaching, training and developing prayer warriors from the body of believers of Jesus Christ within the church.
The goal of the Prison Ministry is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men and women to become loving and productive citizens of their communities.
The goal of the Youth and Young Adult Ministry is to encourage and inspire young men and womento be rong, successful and live productive spirit filled lives within the church, home, and community
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